Rolfing® & Your Business
Rolfing® Can Help Your Business
… or Rolfing® as an educational process !
Dr. Ida P. Rolf was adamant that Rolfing® was an educational process. In your business, every interaction you have can affect your income level. NLP has proven that rapport with others is based on your ability to model their behavior and match it. Many excellent salespeople, managers and therapists are naturals at this.
In a Rolfing® series, your level of awareness of your own body usage patterns is heightened. Also your ability to change your habitual pattern is enhanced. This allows you to more readily mirror your client’s or prospect’s body pattern, allowing you to quickly enter into rapport with them.
And, as everyone knows, nothing happens in an interaction without rapport – no sales, no breakthroughs, no alignment on production goals, etc. So the information you learn during a Rolfing® series can increase your ability to produce income.
Another group whose income can be affected by a Rolfing® series are people who use their bodies in their work. Craftsmen, artists, musicians, dancers, dentists, even computer programmers are dependent on a highly functioning body to produce income. This requirement goes far beyond the needs of “healthy.” Their bodies are, so to speak, their instrument, and like the care given to an expensive piece of manufacturing equipment or an irreplaceably rare musical instrument, learning the most efficient body usage patterns is a necessary cost of doing business.
Learning appropriate usage patterns can add hours to the amount of time you can work daily and years to your career. Once again, the information you learn during a Rolfing® series can increase your ability to produce income.